• Revive MBBS

    From yochanan1975@yochanan1975@gmail.com to alt.bbs.majorbbs on Tue Aug 28 21:03:50 2012
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.majorbbs

    I have played around with a MBBS v6.26 running in a MS-DOS 6.22 VM under VirtualBox. It seems to work just fine, but the reason for this post is this, how can I spark interest in this BBS? It needs some programmers to create a easy way to add doors, and most certainly a program to help in the area of message/file bases...
    I have seen many people talk about updating the MBBS for Unix/Linux, so it could be ran on a modern Linux Distro... Also I have heard that there was a Open-source MBBS out. Does anyone know anything about these?
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