From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.majorbbs
Your account includes the following free features:
1) An Internet Email Address.
(Your account can send and receive Internet Email)
2) pop3 access to your local email.
(Point your email program to "")
2) 5mb Web Space.
(You can access your space with ftp or through the file library.
public acces to your ftp folder / file library can be arranged.)
3) Web access to your email and our local message forums.
4) QWK Mail off line mail support.
(Use a offline reader (blueWave ect.) to read the forums
off line.)
5) Global Commands.
("=h" will give you a listing of all you can do with globals.)
6) Internet Access.
(Text based access to all the internet.)
This is just a start! Please email me to find out more!
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Retro BBS Games BBS
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