• File Attchments?

    From nospam.Jay.Harris@nospam.Jay.Harris@f664.n229.z1.binkp.net (Jay Harris) to g00r00 on Thu Sep 10 15:30:48 2020
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.mystic

    Hi g00r00,

    I see an option under Configuration -> Message Base Settings that says "Attachment ACS" which is currently set to s255.

    My account is s255 but I'm not seeing how I can attach a file to a message. I was hoping to send a FREQ (.req file) to another board. Does Mystic support file attaches as of yet?


    ... Why did the tomato blush? Because it saw the salad dressing.

    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2
  • From nospam.g00r00@nospam.g00r00@f215.n129.z1.binkp.net (g00r00) to Jay Harris on Sat Sep 12 08:02:59 2020
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.mystic

    I see an option under Configuration -> Message Base Settings that says "Attachment ACS" which is currently set to s255.

    My account is s255 but I'm not seeing how I can attach a file to a message. I was hoping to send a FREQ (.req file) to another board.
    Does Mystic support file attaches as of yet?

    These are two different things.

    I don't have anything built into Mystic to generate a FidoNet style .REQ file but I am guessing there are third party utilities that generate file requests for Binkley style mailers (although I've never tried one with Mystic).

    Its on my list of things to do in A47 but its never been a high priority given the Internet is usually a much better way to exchange files. Its not really
    a feature I used much even back in the BBS days so I'd probably need to do
    some research to figure out how I'd like to add it in.

    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2