• New Product!

    From Al Lawrence@al@sunrisedoors.com to alt.bbs.sysop on Thu Jul 3 14:55:40 2003
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.sysop

    Atlanta, GA.. Thurday, July 03, 2003. Sunrise HOME Software, a
    division of Sunrise Door Software, is pleased to announce the release
    of BETSY ROSS SOLITAIRE- Home Edition.

    This is the latest product in our new line of products that have
    proven to be very popular in the online world for many years.

    BETSY ROSS SOLITAIRE - Home Edition is an addictive, frustrating and
    VERY difficult to beat card solitaire game. The game is played using a
    MOUSE and/or Keyboard and has BONUS opportunities to win extra points.

    If you would like to compete against players from around the world we
    have an option available called INTERHOME. If you choose to subscribe
    to this option your scores will be combined with those of other HOME
    players as well as players from the ONLINE community (Bulletin Board
    System, known as a BBS). After a very simple setup, all it takes is a
    single MOUSE CLICK to transfer your scores to, and receive the
    combined scores from, our FTP site.

    If you have played Sunrise Door games on your favorite online system
    (Bulletin Board System, known as a BBS), but have not been able to get
    enough plays per day, then the new HOME edition is for you. You can
    continue to play online as well as offline using your HOME EDITION and
    the optional INTERHOME module!

    Check our HOME EDITION WEB site
    (http://www.sunrisedoors.com/homeedition.htm). Take a trial run of
    any of our HOME EDITION products. Very reasonably priced. One very
    inexpensive yearly subscription to INTERHOME covers ALL HOME EDITION



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