From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.sysop
To: Melkor
Re: StarNet
By: Melkor to Time Warrior on Sat May 14 2005 01:48 pm
To: Time Warrior
Besides -- small or large list is not whats important. Quality over quant The size of a nodelist does not effect my descision to join a network or
BTW you got it setup yet? I have you all done on my end..
I will soon. I just woke up, just got your emails with the rest of the info. "The best part of waking up...." ... is not echomail setups or folgers in
your cup lol ... so i'll have that done sooner rather than later but not
right this second :-)
| [TiME WaRRiOR] aka [Dave Kelso] AIM: Twar782 | +o Malkavia BBS |
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