From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.sysop
Hi Everyone. Well after many years of going without a board, I'm finally starting another one. I just downloaded Slackware 10.2 last night and
installed it plus Synchronet 3.13 on a little Dell Optiplex GX1 (400Mhz) I bought for $20, so with this and some time getting things situatedI should
have my board up soon :)
For me, it's more then just nostalgic... I want the BBS to be the center of most of my Internet activity outside of WWW. I want to do IRC,
Newsgroups, email, everything through my board. It'll be nice to have one place to go for everything :) Also a BBS for me is perfect to drop those
files I want to share with friends and others.
For now I'm getting my ToDo list going:
- Get a Linux ANSI editor or TheDraw working via DOSEMU
- Get with either Austin or Dallas Fidonet NC for mail
- Setup DoveNet Mail
- Add more newsgroups (only have 2 right now)
- Customize BBS
- Have fun !!!
As for now the working name is Life is Bunk BBS and it's at, but I'll soon have it at Also something I've
decided is not to have games. I know most boards now'days that are VERY popular are mainly game boards, but I never was much of a gamer. Maybe if the
board evolves I'll start setting up games, but for now it's just getting it up and going.
Thanks for any tips or suggestions. Last time I ran a board was around 5 years ago with Synchronet and FIdonet mail coming from a guy in Canada. The
time before that was around 1991 or so with Renegade. So I'm anxious to get back into it :)
--- Synchronet 3.13a-Linux NewsLink 1.83
* Life Is Bunk BBS - Waco, Texas -
--- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2