• New to SynchroNet....HELP?!

    From WARYA@warya@hotpop.com to alt.bbs.sysop on Sat Oct 22 05:54:48 2005
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.sysop

    I used to run a CNet Amiga BBS back in the Mid 90's but due to the
    popularity of the web, and me moving over to the PC, I shut it down.
    Now I'm itching to setup another BBS as a feature of my computer
    business, but don't have the first clue on how to setup anything in
    SynchroNet. I'm pretty much at the beginning. I have my Nodes
    setup(but don't even have my telnet address(DSL dialup here) so that
    people can point to it. What's more is, I don't have anything for them
    to do once I get that setup. Anyone have documentation on how they set
    their board up? I read the docs that came with it, but the BBS is so
    open ended, I'm still confused.
    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2
  • From Time Warrior@time.warrior@malkaviabbs.com.remove-ny2-this to WARYA on Mon Oct 24 14:47:35 2005
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.sysop

    To: WARYA
    Re: New to SynchroNet....HELP?!
    By: WARYA to alt.bbs.sysop on Sat Oct 22 2005 06:54 am

    I used to run a CNet Amiga BBS back in the Mid 90's but due to the popularity of the web, and me moving over to the PC, I shut it down.
    Now I'm itching to setup another BBS as a feature of my computer
    business, but don't have the first clue on how to setup anything in SynchroNet. I'm pretty much at the beginning. I have my Nodes
    setup(but don't even have my telnet address(DSL dialup here) so that
    people can point to it. What's more is, I don't have anything for them
    to do once I get that setup. Anyone have documentation on how they set
    their board up? I read the docs that came with it, but the BBS is so
    open ended, I'm still confused.

    Cnet *can* be run via a PC with an Amiga emulator and the proper setup. Cnet has support telnet, email, ftp, etc... long before all the others did. If you still have (or can get) a copy of Cnet then there are docs on the web to set this up.

    Window of Illusion I beleive is one such setup. I don't have the telnet address off hand however i'm sure it wouldn't be incredibly hard to find it, especially if you search on BBSmates.com

    You can ask the Sysop (Black Phantom) how you would set that up. Just do us all a favor and customize the thing! :-)

    Cnet is very powerful and configurable but i've NEVER seen a Cnet Sysop that ever took advantage of its full abilities.
    | [TiME WaRRiOR] aka [Dave Kelso] AIM: Twar782 | +o Malkavia BBS |
    | www : synchsupport.net - malkaviabbs.com - xpresit.net |
    | www$: josephsjewelersonline.com - preferedinsurance.com |
    | @: time.warrior@malkaviabbs. com |
    --- Synchronet 3.12a-Win32 NewsLink 1.76
    * Malkavia - Chicago, IL - telnet://malkaviabbs.com
    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2
  • From ttdragon@Spam-me-not@Ha-Ha.com to alt.bbs.sysop on Wed May 3 21:51:48 2006
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.sysop

    On Sat, 22 Oct 2005 05:54:48 -0500, WARYA <warya@hotpop.com> wrote:

    I used to run a CNet Amiga BBS back in the Mid 90's but due to the
    popularity of the web, and me moving over to the PC, I shut it down.
    Now I'm itching to setup another BBS as a feature of my computer
    business, but don't have the first clue on how to setup anything in >SynchroNet. I'm pretty much at the beginning. I have my Nodes
    setup(but don't even have my telnet address(DSL dialup here) so that
    people can point to it. What's more is, I don't have anything for them
    to do once I get that setup. Anyone have documentation on how they set
    their board up? I read the docs that came with it, but the BBS is so
    open ended, I'm still confused.

    go to alt.bbs.synchronet to get more help. Also the synchronet web
    site has more docs. too. Synchronet has there own DNS server too you
    can use . you really need to dig yourself into the program to know
    the full power of it. I've been messing with it on and off for 5 years
    now, don't have much time to really learn it.
    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2