• Old-school HPAVC CD

    From alfiejohn@alfiejohn@gmail.com to alt.bbs.sysop on Thu Dec 15 23:35:13 2005
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.sysop

    Old-school HPAVC CD

    $15 with FREE POSTAGE!

    This is my vast collection of files collected throughout my BBS years:

    -Hacking (Unix and Linux)
    -Phreaking (US and Australia)
    -Anarchy (*at your own risk*)
    -Virus (x86 DOS/Windows)
    -Cracking (x86 DOS/Windows)
    -Carding (*at your own risk*)
    -Programming (x86 assembly, C/C++, graphics, games)
    -etc... you get the point!

    This is only for information purposes. Anything on the CD should never
    be carried out. At your own risk


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