From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.sysop
We would like to invite you all to Nostalgia BBS, the only bbs
left in North-Central Florida. We run worldgroup v3.30nt and
offer Local Forums, Usenet newsgroups, Worldlink, Chat and IRC,
File Libraries, and lots of games of all genres. Best of all:
IT'S FREE. No verification required!
Wilderlands II, Swords of Chaos, The Rose - Council of
Guardians, Tournament Legend of the Red Dragon, Blademaster,
Farwest Trivia, Mutants, and many more!!!
We're looking for Mutants players. We know that there are still
some mutants fans out there, but they're kind of spread around
this bbs and that bbs. So, finding multiple people to play on
the same BBS is almost impossible. Let's all come together and
start the biggest and best Mutants game since the dialup
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