• Cottonwood BBS

    From Andrew Wiskow@drewbrasil@yahoo.com.br to alt.bbs.sysop on Thu Dec 28 13:09:19 2006
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.sysop

    Cottonwood BBS
    Running on All Amercian BBS by Nick Smith
    Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
    Operating at 300/1200/2400 baud
    Located in Moreno Valley, California
    Bulletins (message area):
    - General Forum
    - Classified Ads
    - Commodore Talk
    - Other Computers
    - R.P.G.'s
    - Miscellaneous
    Online Games - 22 unique games!
    Commodore file transfer section (Punter and Xmodem):
    - Games
    - Utilities
    - Applications
    - Telecommunications
    - Music
    - Miscellaneous
    The only dial-up BBS running on a Commodore 64...

    For more information on Cottonwood BBS, and
    tips on connecting, visit the Cottonwood BBS
    Informational website at:

    -Andrew Wiskow
    (aka Balzabaar - SysOp)

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