• Visit Armageddon BBS

    From Jeff Snyder@working_class_peon@yahoo.com to alt.bbs.sysop on Mon Apr 13 04:30:30 2009
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.sysop


    The Armageddon BBS is a small, growing FidoNet-connected BBS dedicated
    to Christians everywhere. We offer old Macintosh BBS software, as well
    as several thousand files which are of a Christian nature, plus live
    chat and message conferences. Our local message forums -- where
    messages remain on our board - include the following:

    1. New User Intros
    2. General Chit Chat
    3. Anything Mac Related
    4. Political Topics
    5. Christian Discussion
    6. Science And Tech
    7. Ask For BBS Help
    8. Science Fiction Forum
    9. SyncTERM Support Forum
    10. SysOp Announcements

    Our FidoNet echoes -- where messages are distributed all around the
    world -- currently include the following:

    1. Aquarium Hobbyists - Fresh/Marine
    2. Odyssey Fringe Science
    3. FidoNet General Debate
    4. Conspiracy Theory Discussion
    5. Controversial Topics
    6. Politics And Current Events
    7. Sci-Fi And Fantasy Literature
    8. Star Trek General Discussion
    9. Aliens And UFO's Topics
    10. Dr. Who And British Sci-Fi TV Shows
    11. Battlestar Galactica Echo
    12. Hermes SysOps Forum
    13. Babylon 5 TV Show
    14. General Discussion Echo
    15. Going Down Memory Lane
    16. Movie Fanatics Echo
    17. Stargate Atlantis
    18. Stargate SG1
    19. International Cooking Echo
    20. Endtime Discussion Group Exchange
    21. Abortion Info Echo
    22. All Politics Echo
    23. Share Your ASCII Art
    24. Mindless Chatter Echo
    25. Diabetes Discussion Echo
    26. International Dog Lovers
    27. FidoNet Guitar Echo
    28. HolySmoke Religious Debate

    The above lists may change at any time.

    The old BBS software collection on the Armageddon BBS includes the

    ANSI & ASCII Related
    BBS'ing Info Documents
    bbs100 3.0 OSX
    Hermes External Writing
    Hermes Externals
    Hermes Program & Docs
    Hermes Utilities
    MacCitadel 1.3b 68K
    Mailers Offline QWK Readers
    Mansion BBS 9.5.6 68K
    Misc. BBS Utilities
    Modem Tools
    Nally 1.2 Leopard
    Novalink - NovaTerm
    Public Address
    Red Ryder
    Second Sight
    StarBase7 1.3b 68K
    Telnet Clients
    Terminal Emulators
    WWIV 3.0 - July 1988

    Located on the Western Pacific island of Guam, Armageddon BBS is one
    of the few remaining BBSes running Hermes II BBS software on a

    If you are interested in any of this hard-to-find software, or in any
    of our many Bible-related files, or simply want to chat, or post
    messages in our many message conferences, please visit us today!

    To log onto the Armageddon BBS, simply use your favorite telnet
    client. If you are a Mac OSX user, and can afford it, we suggest that
    you try out ZOC. It currently runs at $100. If you prefer a free
    telnet client, then we suggest the latest version of SyncTERM. Yes, it
    is clunky and Windowish-looking, but it is the best free telnet client
    out there for displaying real BBS ANSI graphics on a Mac OSX system.

    If you are still using Classic Mac, then the best deal is using the
    Public Address BBS software in telnet mode. If you don't have it, we
    have a special stripped down version available on our BBS.

    So what are you waiting for? Come and check us out today! To access
    the Armageddon BBS via a telnet client, please go to:

    endtimeprophecy.org (port 23)

    We also offer a web access page with a java interface at the following
    URL. However, please note that the telnet client interface is much
    better than the web-based interface, being as the latter relies upon a
    terminal java applet with less user control:


    Hoping you will visit us soon,

    Jeff Snyder
    SysOp/Armageddon BBS

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