• Sexy Girl Still Needs Your Help - Will Give XXX PIX !!

    From Camilia@nospam@antispam.sp to alt.bbs.sysop on Wed Aug 4 19:02:20 2004
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.sysop

    Sexy Girl Still Needs Your Help - Will Give XXX PIX !!
    Please Help Me save my home.
    Please Help Me save my home.
    I Like to party nad have fun, but I don't always make the smartest business decisions.
    I got involved in a mortgage to ijmprove my house and my life style when
    times were good, Now that times are bad and I lost my job, I am very close
    to losing my home.... in fact it is in foreclosure already -
    I got them to delay the first sherriffs sale, but I still need $6000.00
    by the end of the month in order to stop the sherifs sale and get back to
    where I can pay my regular monthly payments.
    This is very scary and I don't know what to do.
    My friends tell me that I'm very good looking and I should be able to "make" the mony, But I am not a prostitute and don't want to lower myself like
    that. I said I can't just send a picture of myself to the mortgage company
    in trade for the money, but thaat comment did give me an idea.
    I did recently pose for some really hot X-Rated Pics on a pay-perview web
    site. "What if......."
    I got the webmasters permission to give away free access to my Sexy naked pictures to anyone who donates $10.00 to my mortgage relief fund at PayPal. Click Here to Donate $10.00 to help save my home and I will give you FREE ACCESS to see my HOT XXX Pix
    Thank you Very Much

    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2
  • From Camilia@nospam@antispam.sp to alt.bbs.sysop on Wed Aug 4 19:02:56 2004
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.sysop

    Sexy Girl Still Needs Your Help - Will Give XXX PIX !!
    Please Help Me save my home.
    Please Help Me save my home.
    I Like to party nad have fun, but I don't always make the smartest business decisions.
    I got involved in a mortgage to ijmprove my house and my life style when
    times were good, Now that times are bad and I lost my job, I am very close
    to losing my home.... in fact it is in foreclosure already -
    I got them to delay the first sherriffs sale, but I still need $6000.00
    by the end of the month in order to stop the sherifs sale and get back to
    where I can pay my regular monthly payments.
    This is very scary and I don't know what to do.
    My friends tell me that I'm very good looking and I should be able to "make" the mony, But I am not a prostitute and don't want to lower myself like
    that. I said I can't just send a picture of myself to the mortgage company
    in trade for the money, but thaat comment did give me an idea.
    I did recently pose for some really hot X-Rated Pics on a pay-perview web
    site. "What if......."
    I got the webmasters permission to give away free access to my Sexy naked pictures to anyone who donates $10.00 to my mortgage relief fund at PayPal. Click Here to Donate $10.00 to help save my home and I will give you FREE ACCESS to see my HOT XXX Pix
    Thank you Very Much

    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2