• Where is everyone?

    From ib.joe@ib.joe@joesbbs.com (Ib Joe) to alt.bbs.wildcat on Tue Jan 13 17:07:12 2004
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.wildcat

    I don't think that's the case... I have regular users call my BBS and I
    have seen boards still cracking out a high number of callers...

    InterBBS of BRE and what not have even more BBSes hooked up to them
    because of the net.

    Just thought I'd write.

    Probably... not many use dial-ups or even Telnet BBS's anymore.
    Lot of that is courtesy of Unka Billy-Bob Gatez and his dumbing
    down of the computer users with Win-glows. Not many know how to
    dial out, or even how to use Dos to correct problems with their
    systems... Gawd help 'em if they had to write a batch file..

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